Wednesday, February 24, 2016

Pregnancy #2 UPDATE! and Bump Photos :)

I've wanted to do this post for so long now I don't even know where to begin! Pregnancy #2 is definitely a lot more tiring since I have a toddler to keep up with! But all in all I have lucked out again with a pretty easy pregnancy so far. I have definitely had some heartburn, (as with my first), but a tums will take care of it. I think I have gotten at least one new stretch mark right next to my belly button. It's hard to stay sitting down on the floor to play with Kylie for long periods of time, especially after supper when my stomach is extra full and I have had sore feet a handful of times, but that is about the only thing I have to complain about. My only real concern is that I have a low-lying placenta, so I have to wait until an ultra sound scheduled at 32 weeks before I will know if it has moved up enough for a vaginal birth. I am really, REALLY, hoping it has/will, because I am a little terrified of having a c-section, but it is really out of control so I guess we will cross that bridge if/when we come to it.

Baby girl #2 LOVES to move around in there, and as anyone who has been pregnant knows, it is the best feeling ever! I could just sit and watch my belly move all day! She will pretty much be moving anytime I am sitting or lying down. I can feel her a lot if I am driving in the car, but the most active times are when I am lying down while Kylie naps or when we are sitting in the recliner for story time before bed.

Kylie likes to kiss my belly a lot and gives her baby sister hugs. She also likes to use her doctor kit stethoscope on my belly. She likes her big sister books and I think has a good grasp of what's going on, but I just don't think she understands when it is the baby is coming. Since I'm due early May, I've been telling her the baby will be here in the Spring, but I think at this point since I have been pregnant for so long (especially for a toddler's sense of time) it is probably hard for her to understand. I think having the next ultrasound will help remind her of the baby inside and also I would like to go and show her the nursery in the hospital some time so she has some what of and idea. I'm pretty apprehensive about leaving her to give birth, because we have yet to do an overnight away. We don't have any family in the area so that makes it hard to practice. I would like to try at least once before its actually go time, but again, since our family lives two hours away I'm not really sure how we would do that. But we will get it figured out :)

Now for the BABY BUMP:

 13 Weeks

15 Weeks 

20 Weeks 

27 Weeks 

30 Weeks

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