Thursday, October 22, 2015

Things I always want to remember

So I really wish I had time to write down or video tape everything you say little girl! While we were at your cousuns birthday this past weekend, his grandmother said, "Oh Kylie, you're just a laugh a minute!" And it is SO true!

I know I've wrote this before but your memory is just so incredible. The other day we were downstairs looking at the toys down there and you found a top then said " HMM Where's the other girl? When I got lemonade?" Because back in June we went to a garage sale where some big girls were selling lemonade and gave you that top! Then today we were reading a book about seasons and I asked you if you remembered chasing firefly sand you said "ya, at Memere a and Papa's" which is where we were. Then you added " and daddy threw the ice cream" HAHA! You were remembering when he threw the last little bit into the woods and you caught him and were quite upset! This was back in July or August!

Friday, October 16, 2015

Ages and stages: 26 months!

You are still the sweetest thing! Yesterday when we were leaving our gymnastics class, we walked past a preschool class in the hall and you said "scuse me, scuse me" the whole way! You still love to be my big helper, just 20 min ago I was putting things in the dishwasher and you got out the dish detergent for me! Your newest obsession is helping me bake. You absolutely love it and are getting good at pouring all the ingridents in! I'm very excited for another excuse to do lots of holiday baking this year haha. You have also really been into having "picnics" with your play food and "parties" with your play birthday cake. You still have lots of fun with a variety of your toys but recently you have been asking for your Cinderella and Tinkerbelle dolls. They are usually the guests of these picnics and parties we are having daily.

We have had a cold the past week or two, which hasn't been anything to major except you will often whine, "my boogers my boogers!". You have a few tantrums but they don't come too often only if you are very tired or hungry. You have become more particular about the clothes you will wear. Sometimes it's not an issue but probably 50% of the time you don't want to change and it's usually that you want to keep your pjs on (or just be "nakey").  Most of the time I can convince you by thinking of some game type thing or lately I've been telling you you need your warm clothes so you can feel better and not stay sick. It still takes a good 20 min sometimes till you give in though (and a few times it's been longer!).

One of your newest adorable things you say is "member?" For example, at lunch today you said "Member the little red caboose worth the fats and sweets? member?". Haha! These are the things I never want to forget!

Thursday, October 15, 2015

Fall Book Ideas!

Just sharing some fun fall themed books that we own or have checked out at the library!

We love books in this house and are always looking for new titles to check out! So, maybe this post will give some other families out there some new ideas -and also remind me next year what my library favorites were! :P