Saturday, April 26, 2014

Baby Girl's First Easter Basket :)

5 Books: Where's Peter, Pat the Bunny, Fluffy Chick, Big Red Barn, Baby Love Springs
Super Puffs: Super Purples 
3 homemade noisemaker eggs
Jemima Puddle Duck stuffed animal

Videos you might find interesting while pregnant.

In the Womb-Beautiful documentary on prenatal development. It's available on youtube in segments, but the quality is lacking so if you can rent it on Amazon or find it somewhere else that is your best choice.

Business of Being Born-Enlightening American women on the risks of interventions during labor and showing alternative routes to childbirth. I don't want to spoil the ending, but I think that was the best part because it makes the movie more comprehensive than it might have been otherwise. Currently available on Netflix.

More Business of Being Born-Made up of four segments including: an interview with Ina May, Celebrity Birth Stories, C-Section trends in Brazil, and VBACs. The celebrity birth stories was my favorite, no matter what kind of birth each woman went through, they all had an empowering message. Currently available on Netflix.

What to Expect When Your Expecting (2012 Film)- While this is not a documentary, the film is inspired by the well-known book by Heidi Murkoff. Without getting to detailed, the film basically follows multiple women experiencing multiple manifestations of pregnancy. It's cheesy, but when is cheesy okay if not during pregnancy? 

Babies- See trailer. This documentary is ADORABLE and definitely worth the $2.99 to rent on Amazon. If you find it somewhere else, please let me know. I've watched it twice already but I would totally watch it again!

The Science of Babies-Learn about babies' remarkable development during their first year of life. Currently available on Netflix.

Happiest Baby on the Block-Dr. Harvey Karp educates parents on the five "S's": Swaddling, Side-lying, Sucking, Swinging, and Sushing. I found this through Inter-Library Loan.

Thursday, April 17, 2014

Spring, Glorious Spring!

My baby girl enjoying the beautiful weather we had last weekend :)

Sunday, April 13, 2014

How much milk to breastfed babies need?

 "Breast Vs. Bottle: How Much Milk Should Baby Take?"

The article above gave me so much reassurance and support when I went back to work and my baby girl would only take about 3oz at each feeding. She still doesn't take much at one sitting but I'm happy to say she is growing just fine!

Saturday, April 12, 2014

Book Review: The Honest Life by Jessica Alba

What I liked: The book was full of accessible information and she even mentioned specific brands. The last chapter, "Honest Inspiration", was my favorite because it included more creative and DIY ideas.

What I didn't like: While I admit that it did amuse me to picture Jessica Alba as my girlfriend counseling me on why certain chemicals are "sketchy", the informal writing style took away from the book and I did not find it a pleasurable read. I felt like I was reading a magazine, and I hold higher standards for the books that I read.

Bottom line: Read for specific information, not for enjoyment.

When Breastfeeding Doesn't Work Out

It's pretty clear from my blog that I am a huge advocate of breastfeeding. I love breastfeeding and its has become a major source of pride for me. But, I also realize I was very lucky not to come up against any major "booby" traps (I really didn't plan to use a lame pun I'm just too tired to think of another expression-I swear). Sure, I made conscious decisions in attempt to make things go more smoothly and, even then, I did encounter some obstacles to overcome at the beginning.  However, I never had to deal with nurses giving bottles or pacifiers at the hospital or doctors threatening me with slow weight gain, because those things would have been harder for me to deal with (I'm not the best with confrontation). And let me just say, my hat goes off to all the women who exclusively pump or spend an extended amount of time pumping while taking care of their babies. I don't think I would have been able to do that while staying sane. And that is the real goal here: healthy, happy babies and sane mothers---and sometimes formula helps to achieve that goal. Please don't interpret this as me advising you to give up if things get tough, that is not what I mean at all. I just don't want anyone to feel guilty about not breastfeeding their children. So, if that is you, know this: you did not fail! You are still a fantastic mom! I've said it before and I will say it again; a mother is much more than her milk.

Monday, April 7, 2014

Words of Wisdom: Breastfeeding

While listening to a podcast the other day, I heard a great theory: breastfeeding takes up so much time in the beginning because it forces you to sit down, rest, and recover! So, even if it isn't based on science- tuck it away for later anyway, I bet it will make you feel better about some of those extra long feedings ;). Go with the flow and savor the down time.

Book Review: Beyond the Sling

Neuroscientist and famous actress Mayim Balik PhD. (Blossom, Amy Farrah Folwer) writes about her experience parenting her two boys. Balik's book includes the hallmarks of attachment style parenting: unmedicated birth, "extended" breastfeeding, babywearing, and co-sleeping. But some aspects of Balik's parenting style might be a bit radical for even attachment style parents. She deems doctor's visits unnecessary in most cases and practices elimination communication. Balik breaks down her book into three segments: What Baby Needs, What Baby Doesn't Need, and What Mommy Needs. I found Chapter 8 "Baby Doesn't Need All That Stuff" a good reminder and while I usually go the more conventional route in regards to doctors, her segments on fever and antibiotics rang true to me. Plus the introduction, "You Know More Than You Think", sets the book up in a tone that empowers new moms, rather than preaches to them.

Bottom line: While a few of her methods are probably too "crunchy" for most parents, it is none the less an interesting read with a lot of solid points.

Sunday, April 6, 2014

Highly Recommended: Womanly Art of Breastfeeding

I absolutely LOVE this book. I don't know why I wasn't aware of it while I was pregnant. Maybe I did hear about it but it just didn't register, I'm not sure. But let me tell you, it was like reading all of the best advice in one easy place (unfortunately in my case, this was after I had done multiple internet searches and weeded out all of the rotten advice). Written by Le Leche League, it includes just about every topic dealing with breastfeeding one could think of. But it is the quality of information included in this book that I appreciated the most. This book also does a great service to normalizing breastfeeding, particularly "extended breastfeeding". I will say that it has the potential to make some moms feel guilty if they end up weaning before one year. It makes sense that the book highlights all the ways that breastmilk is the best source of nourishment for babies, it is a book about breastfeeding after all. But I think it is important to remember, that while breast is best, the mother is more important than her milk and women should never feel like they have failed in any way.

 Bottom line: Read the book, use the information, and take pride in giving your little one such a precious gift, whether it be for one day or seven years.