Friday, June 26, 2015


Forgive me father for I have sinned.

I have been spoiling baby girl with new toys, books, and puzzles a little too much lately. Remember last year when I wrote this post about how as far as toys I was doing pretty good? Well, oh how the mighty have fallen. This year I want EVERYTHING! She plays so good now and is just at the age where it is so much fun to buy her things because she is excited about them, but also isn't bratty about them yet.  Plus, I LOVE playtime, so I get sucked into the new toy trap almost as much as a 5 year old! But in my defense, I go most crazy for the geeky educational type toys. I do feel the need to note here that I think pretty much any toy has some educational value because PLAY=LEARNING. So there is my problem!

She seriously has more self control than me. The other day in JC Penny I needed to find something for $10 to use a coupon I had and I found these two little stuffed animal mice, Jack and Gus from Cinderella, and I was going to buy them to her. Well after she had been holding them for a while and when we went to check out she said "put them back"!  The back story here is that I usually tell her we are going to put the toys back with their friends and say goodbye/see ya next time. So she was actually the one that prevented an impulse buy.

Another way I have been defending myself is because most of my purchases have been from garage sales. So, I feel better about the price and that the toys are second hand and thus better for the environment. But, I'm still probably spending a little too much money and it's so close to her birthday! I'm sabotaging myself because there will be nothing good left for a birthday present.

Gah. So I have confessed my sins and I will try to work on them. Probably best to avoid temptation altogether and just stay home!

Thursday, June 18, 2015

Ages and Stages: 22 months

Forgive me baby girl but this might be a shorter post as I have to type it on the ipad. Right now I am currently sitting next to you listening to you play with your "magic school bus" and little people.

"Man! Are you alright? I'll help you and give you wipe" [sounds sort of like wife :p]. "That's a very good boy. Good boys and girls". Then you bring in the dolphin, "get out, get out kids".

You play so well!! We recently purchased a train table at a garage sale and you love playing on that with the train tracks (particularly the bridge piece) and your little wood people and town blocks. You still love to paint and color and play with stickers. But the thing you LOVE to play with most of all is puzzles! You still like Cinderella and the dwarfs but your new favorite is the Lion King. We have the book and will watch the songs on YouTube. You will often sing Hakuna mata and even say the "nothing, what's a matta with you?" part lol. You also sing "Can you feel the love tonight" and will randomly talk about the circle of life :p. In fact, you call one of your puzzles your "Mufasa puzzle" because it has a cartoon male lion and cub on it! You are just sooooo awesome!

Your bottom two year molars are pretty much all the way through except a tiny piece of gum in the back, and on top they are just starting to pop through. You've actually had a hard time a few times the past week or so and bit me in the face the other day so bad it left a mark. We tried time out after that but it didn't seem to phase you. We know it's just your teeth hurting but we want you to learn it's not okay to bite people. The pain seems to be the worst right before they break through. You are down to nursing right before bed to fall asleep and if you wake up during the night, which is usually between 3:30 and 5:00am.

Random things I always want to remember:

When you say "honey" at the end of a sentence randomly.
"Bow to the king".
"Excuse me, bag".