Forgive me for being a few days late but I wanted to wait until after your doctors appointment so I would have accurate stats for weight and height. Which are, 21lbs (1% at our doctors office) and 34 inches (55%). And your head is at
Kylie you are so incredible! I want to remember everything, because you say about a dozen hilarious things a day, but sadly, I often don't even remember them long enough to tell Daddy at the end of the day. At this exact moment I am sitting on the floor beside you attempting to type this and remember what I want to say, while you are looking at a Sesame Street calendar from 1990 that Memere kept for Daddy haha. Wow, talk about coming full circle! You find the pictures very interesting.
Okay, so you still absolutely love puzzles and really like the body puzzle I got you for your birthday. You also are very into dinosaurs right now and Daddy found you a nice play set for your birthday as well. You still LOVE to play pretend and most recently you have been pretending that you are Fozzie, I am Miss Piggy and Daddy is Kermit OR that you are "D.W.", I am Binky, and Daddy is Mr. Ratburn LOL!!! Another thing that cracks me up is this new game that you just started where you force me to look into my closet, Daddy to look into his closet and then you run into your room too look in your closet and then say "I have books in my closet" and name anything else you see. We have also played a pretty fun game where I pretend to be Santa and you tell me what you want for Christmas and so do all your toys. You will make up your own songs by singing gibberish to the melody of songs you know. You can count up to 18! You are a great little helper and love to do things "all by myself" as you would put it. :)
You have been eating really well lately! And since we weaned a few weeks ago you have been sleeping through the night more than ever! Sometimes you still wake up once though and ask for a snack.
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