Is this real life, am I really weaning my baby girl? I'm not even sure, so far today it looks like it. She is now 21 months and although I really didn't want to be a "weaner" I think I have made it to that point. I have so many emotions. In many ways, I'm ready. I am SO ready. Some of it has a lot to do with the pressure from other people, particularly my husband. But then I have my own reasons. Nursing a toddler is not the same as nursing an infant. It is less soft and cuddly and a lot more wiggly and pinchy. Also, as expressed in my last post I would like to start trying for another again soon and I although I love breastfeeding I don't think I could handle tandem nursing. Plus, I know it is going to be a busy summer so I want to do this now rather than later when it could be harder. And I definitely don't want to wean her during other transitional times like during potty training or getting into a big girl bed and such. I just feel like now is the right time. But in other ways I'm terrified. I don't want to put myself and my reasons before her needs. I don't want it to be traumatic for her. What if doing it too soon will make her insecure and clingy? I'm so worried she will hate me. I'm scared of how our relationship will change. I don't want my baby to get any bigger! I feel that anxious sick feeling and I'm sure I will feel this way over the next few days.
I go back and forth in my head about what I should do. So I guess I'm just going to go ahead and try and see how baby girl does with it. If it seems that she is tolerating the change decently we will proceed but if it seems to be too traumatic then I will just have to wait until another time.
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