Thursday, March 19, 2015

Ages and Stages: 19 months

Well my little darling, you are now nineteen months old. I waited until today to write this up since we had a well-check up yesterday and I could include your official stats ;). You are now a whopping 19.38lbs ha ha. But you are definitely getting longer. The nurse measured you at 32 inches which also means that you have finally started to grow out of the 12 month pants and fit into 18 month pants! Your head circumference continues to hold strong on the top half of the charts at 87%. You have been nursing less this month (well, with a brief increase during the flu), and for the past week it has only been 3 or 4 four times a day, and last night was only once during the night, wahoo! (I'm sure tonight will be like 3 times since I said that). You have been eating well lately, with no major changes from last month except that in an attempt to get you to drink more cows milk I have been putting it in your little tea cups and you will try and drink it from there. It seems to make it more interesting but it is also quite messy!

Now on to more important things, you are still our little chatter box and can easily say multiple word phrases. In fact, you like to randomly spout out a few lines from Hop on Pop once in a while. "Dad is sad. Bery, bery sad. Had bad day. What day Dad had." and yesterday you told me "Rosita is on the bike" while looking at our "Elmo's Potty" book. Of course, it is not perfectly enunciated, but I mean no one expects that at this age. You love to point out stop signs where ever we go and are starting to point out relationships. You love to talk about "big" and "little" things when appropriate and if there are three animals or maybe even a set of three inanimate objects you will refer to them as "mommy, daddy, and baby" whatever they are. You will pretend nurse you baby dolls and pretend feed any of your stuffed animals, or adults or yourself. One of your favorite things to do (and has been for a few months actually) is to play tea parties in your house.

You had your first flu about a week ago and we watched quite a bit of T.V. for a few days. I think your favorite was Cindrella (we have the book too and you had been interested in that for a while) you love the mice and will say "Cinderella, mice, hehehehehe". You have also been talking a lot about "Mr. Noodle" from Elmo's world lately and it's so adorably funny! We have been getting many books out of the library lately, you love to read! We got a "literacy to go kit" about colors and you really liked the books inside that; "Lemons are Not Red" and "Pinkalicious".  You have really been enjoying the Sandra Boynton books too when we get them. But really you like pretty much any book that it's hard to say if you have "favorites". It's funny though if there is something that you don't like in a book you will say "no" to the picture (or something on T.V. , etc.). That has a been a favorite word around here lately, but I'd like to do a whole other post on that. Thankfully you have also been saying "pank you" so that has been a very pleasing surprise. You really are our sweet girl!

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