Friday, February 8, 2019

Kitty Kat, Kitty Kat, Where Have you Been?

I'm sure you have all heard this well loved nursery rhyme before, but have you read the travel series published by Kane Miller books!?

Find the books here.

We love them in this house because:
 1) they rhyme so they are fun to read
 2) they are so colorful and gorgeously illustrated and
 3) we love to learn about different countries and cities around the world!
So, to make these reading adventures even more fun, I decided to make some sweet little guides go along with them!

The PDF for the guides can be downloaded here: London, Paris, New York, Rome

To see live readings of the books, more crafts and lots fun with other topics join Little Book Learners facebook group:

I also made a printable passport! I designed it as a cut and paste activity but it is totally customizable. If you have kids who are starting with scissors you can make cutting strips for your child to cut on the four thick lines and then paste in the pictures to each city in the passport. If your kids are more advanced they can cut the whole thing themselves or draw a picture representing each city (if they are scissor pros and don't need anymore practice).  Or if you have younger kids who you aren't comfortable letting used scissors, just let them scribble away!

These passports stick in perfectly to the front pouch of these adorable paper suitcases we made to keep all of our coloring pages in!

I made this design by mixing the following ideas I found on pinterest:

Happy travels!! If you use any of the above ideas with the books, I would love for you to tag me on instagram or hashtag #littlebooklearners so I can see!!